Self-worth and getting to Your Core

Listen: 5-min read

Summary: What’s the difference between self-worth and self-esteem? We're not just human beings. We're also souls. Part of the soul's journey is to find purpose and unwavering self-worth despite the struggles of our experiences on Earth.

  • Last week I spoke about the pattern of over-apologizing and how this can relate to low self-esteem. Today, I will talk about self-worth.

    What's the difference, you may ask?

    Self-esteem is based on our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, our skills and achievements, what we think of ourselves, the feedback we receive from others, and our comparison with others.

    Self-worth touches the core of who we believe we are as human beings. Our worth as human beings has nothing to do with how good we are at sales, how many titles we have, or what clothes we wear; instead, it's this deep level of knowing our value when we are stripped naked.

    Often we make the mistake of using external factors to evaluate our worth. We constantly measure ourselves against people we know, celebrities, and idols. How we assess ourselves depends on what we focus on - appearance, looks, qualifications, achievements, salary, relationships, and connections. How valuable we feel is greatly influenced by our upbringing, life experiences, and how easily we allow other people's judgment to define our worth. The list can be endless, and so can the suffering that comes with that.

    Yet, your worth isn't related to these factors - that's the crux. We believe that it is - yet, as mentioned at the beginning, contrary to self-esteem, a healthy sense of self-worth doesn't wobble when life throws a curveball; it's solid, always present, irrespective of what's happening around you. Self-worth is that inner knowing that we are worthy of being here, loved, and connected, just as we are, no matter what.

    Your value isn't measurable in monetary terms because you can't put a price tag on it when you love someone else. The same is true for a listening ear, a smile, a kind word, volunteer work, and donating time and energy to a good cause.

    Your existence is precious. You came here to share your individuality, creativity, wisdom, and love with others.

    You may have heard the expression, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." But, of course, at times, it's easy to get lost in the day-to-day hassles of preparing breakfast for the kids, paying bills, bringing the dog to the vet, grocery shopping, etc.

    And yet, if we take the time to get still and ask who we genuinely are, again and again, we will realize that, once we drop the masks and roles we play, we are so much more - infinite beings of immeasurable wisdom and love. But, wait, you say - how can that be? Because I can't feel it, I feel stuck, without perspective; I am miserable, depressed, and anxious - why would I feel that way when I am a divine being with unlimited resources?

    It's all part and parcel of your human experience to grow and help others grow and learn and through this journey, remember who you truly are.

    It's what you signed up for your soul's learning. So, start exploring your inner landscape and ask yourself the essential question of who you are.

    Start a practice of accepting yourself the way you are. Develop an appreciation for yourself as a human being and a soul. And over time, you will realize your immeasurable value to life itself.

    For those of you who want to become more connected with yourself,

    Metta meditation has helped me to love myself more, as has Inner Relationship Focusing, Inner Child work, and Regression Therapy.

    If you want to find out more, please get in touch with me.

    Until soon,

    Take good care.



Forgiving Ourselves


Stop Over-apologizing